Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths

School of Communication, UCM, 7-11 July 2019

How to reach the Thyssen Museum for the private visits, on Sunday 7 of July, 7:30 pm

How to reach the Crystal Gallery (Cibeles Palace), for the opening ceremony, on Sunday 7 of July, at 7.00 pm.

This Thursday 27th of June, Jorge Clemente and Loreto Corredoira, President and Director of the Local Organization Committee, have received a special recognition from Madrid Convention Bureau.

Joaquín Goyache, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, has confirmed his intervention in the Opening Ceremony at the Cibeles Palace, on Sunday 7th of July, 7:00 pm.

Multiple activities will be taking place outside IAMCR 2019’s formal academic and social agenda.

This was the fourth in a series of “Madrid Updates” that was sent to IAMCR members and IAMCR 2019 participants on 25 June, 2019.


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